
- I am syncing my NemeStats from the iOS app called Boardgame Stats. My name in BG Stats is my own name, David Roy. My username here is whovian223. Thus, my synced plays are coming through as Dave Roy, leaving whovian223 with no plays. Is there a way t

Author: David Roy, 21.07.2016, 17:26
Idea status: under consideration


nemestats, 25.07.2016, 20:30
Hi David, it looks like your idea got cut off but I think we get the point. I'll need to discuss with BG Stats to see what's the right way to handle this. Thanks for your patience as the first few days of integration have been pretty busy. We'll do our best to get back to you soon on this.
nemestats, 27.07.2016, 06:09

I spoke with the BG Stats folks and there is a way to change the linking in the BG Stats settings but there is currently a bug which needs to be resolved first. My guess is it will be another work or two until you have the ability to switch your David Roy username to be linked with your whovian223 player on NemeStats.

Thanks for your patience!

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